SY Snow White

SY Snow White
In Newry Canal

Monday 24 December 2012

Monday 24th December Fort Pierce

Christmas Lights from the mooring St Augustine

Checking the weather forecasts gave a small window on Saturday and Sunday to move South to Fort Pierce, so I handed my access card in on Saturday morning and let the mooring lines slip at 9am, to get out of the inlet with the last of the ebb. 
Leaving St Augustine
The channel at the entrance was lumpy and shallow in places, but we made it into deep water without incident on a clear and cold day. During the whole journey we managed without the engine for all of one hour, as the winds, although with us for most of the way, were not strong enough to keep us above 2knots. Between St Augustine and Cape Canaveral the water temperature rose from 13°C to nearly 20°C and the air temperature was rising nicely, so that even overnight on Saturday I had the hatches open. Passing Cape Canaveral at just after dark, three cruise ships came roaring out the closest passing less than a mile ahead, giving me a tense hour until all had passed, otherwise the run was uneventful with just us, the sea, the stars

and the odd dolphins and seabirds for company.

Sunset off Cape Canaveral
Fort Pierce inlet

We motored into Fort Pierce inlet at 10am on Monday 24th against the current, so had to push hard until inside, anchoring North of the high level bridge opposite the City Marina in 3m of water.

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