SY Snow White

SY Snow White
In Newry Canal

Friday 28 December 2012

Friday 28th December Fort Pierce

Christmas day was a lovely warm day so I spent it cleaning, waterline, hatches, dingy and propeller, and airing the boat. A pod of dolphins wander about the bay with pelicans and seagulls following them for the fish they disturb, I also saw a small stingray jumping.
Choppy Boxing Day

Anchorage at Sunrise

Christmas Lights Fort Pierce
 I was hoping to go ashore on Boxing Day (26th) but the wind was blowing 15-20 gusting 30 knots so I hunkered down and managed some jobs that had been put off for long enough. The next day Marce and Jack appeared in a friend’s jeep and took me out for a very pleasant afternoon, looking around the area and doing a bit of parts shopping at a huge 2nd hand warehouse. Today I went ashore, had a wander around and stocked up on supplies and refilled diesel cans.
Fort Pierce has allot of strange art
Gazebo at harbour
Fort Pierce
More sculptures in The Arcade

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