SY Snow White

SY Snow White
In Newry Canal

Wednesday 26 September 2012

September 26th Fishers Island

Having been for a few walks around Oyster Bay and with the forecast wind from the South West at 10-15kn I left Port Jefferson on Tuesday 25th at 7.30am to make best use of tides and currents in Long Island Sound;
I got the main up and jib out fairly quickly, but soon refurled the jib with the wind close behind us (blowing SW 15-20 gusting 25) we still were making 4-6kn with a little help from the engine, so I changed my destination from Milford (15 miles out) to Duck Island (36 miles out) the swell was about 2m from the south so was helping if making it a bit bumpy! Duck Island bay has three large breakwaters to anchor behind with about 3-4m depth on the chart, however we had one bad moment when it looked as though we had run out of water, however we found a bit more water and anchored in 2.5m close to the North breakwater to try to get some shelter, at 3pm and had a welcome cup of tea.
Sunset Duck Island
 Got up at sunrise after a fitful night on anchor watch, we did move once about 3m, and after listening to the forecast and sniffing the air decided to go, so raised the anchor at 8.45am into 1-2m swells which raised periodically to about 3m and SW winds of 15-20 gusting 25 again, got both sails up and stopped the engine! We were sailing and averaged 5.7knots for the journey, arriving in West Bay Fishers Island at just before 1pm, with only one incident when two ferries and a Coast Guard Vessel were converging on my position but we all managed to find our own bits of water and passed safely.
Long Island Sound being boisterous
West Harbour Fishers Island

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