SY Snow White

SY Snow White
In Newry Canal

Wednesday 19 September 2012

September 19th Oyster Bay

Having put a towel around my head and worked out a way to get across to the North Shore of Long Island Sound without being pushed up or down the bay by strong currents or wind; I raised a very muddy anchor a little before 9am on Tuesday 11th and with the wind tight on the bow raised the main and motor sailed across to Larchmont Bay, 
New York from the head of Manhasset Bay

Larchmont Bay from shore, Snow White far right
 anchoring on the outer edge of the mooring field (a mooring can be taken for $44 per night) at 11.30am, and was immediately taken to lunch by a cousins (Grant Rogers and his sister Sandy Thirlwall) I had never met.
Houses in Larchmont
Houses in Larchmon

Black squirrell in park
 Having been well wined and dined over the weekend, with bad weather forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday and Larchmont harbour not being very protected, I raised the anchor and left at first light on
Monday 17th to use the last of the outgoing current to again cross the Sound to Oyster Bay, with little or no wind we motored all the way anchoring just before 11am and enjoyed the rest of the warm pleasant and still afternoon and night. In the morning (Tuesday 18th) the winds were 15-25knots rising to 35-40 in the afternoon gusting to 45 from the south, the anchor bedded in nicely only moving about 3m, in the late evening after some light rain, the wind shifted to south west and brought heavy rain and lightening (still at 20-30kn) then at 3.30am shifted again to north at 15-30kn for a short time dying to 10-20knots when I went to bed! The rest of Wednesday was a glorious autumn day (if a little chilly, we have dropped to the low twenties!) I went ashore in the afternoon and found the home and grave of Theodore Roosevelt within a mile and a half of the landing at the south end of Oyster Bay. 

Sagamore Hill, Roosevelts home

Oyster Bay
Swan and egret
While I was having my breakfast an osprey splashed into the water beside us and left with his breakfast, and at teatime a swan swam by, it has been a lovely day.

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