SY Snow White

SY Snow White
In Newry Canal

Thursday, 19 April 2012

18th April Le Marin Martinique

Here are some picks taken snorkelling at Bequia

not my shorts!

Conger poaing

We have now made the jump to Martinique, after deciding that St Vincent probably was not a good place for a singlehander to stop, it does not have a very good reputation for unannounced boardings, and St Lucia just didn’t have enough of interest to warrent the cost of a stopover. This time I thought we would try going to the East to get clear wind, however as with all plans it didn’t work out like that, for one thing the wind was not very strong at 2-4 so we motorsailed for all but about ½ hour of sailing.
The passage took about 27 hours ( I had estimated 20 to 30) after leaving Admiralty Bay at 6am; as the sun set we were nearing St Lucia with a dark night ahead with plenty of stars and cloud on all horizons, the sickle moon rose about 4am when a cargo boat decided to aim straight for us entering the channel between St Lucia and Martinique, since we were on courses at right angles to each other and he was doing 12 ½ knots to our 3-4 knots all I could do was wait and see, he finally decided to pass aft of us at about 1n.mile so all was well, curiously enough the AIS although telling me his ship type, speed, rate of turn etc. gave his name as ‘unknown’.
Marin, sorry Le Marin (as the customs man reminded me) is a col-de-sac with lots of little hideaways to moor in, I elected to go right in to its’ Northern (innermost) end and found a slot big enough without faffing about too much in about 5m of water. Ominously enough there is a boat stuck on a reef about 100 yards away.
Today is the 19th, I have been unable to find a wi-fi that covers the anchorage so have to come ashore to surf, today it has been raining heavily so after doing some inside maintenance I had a shower outside.

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