SY Snow White

SY Snow White
In Newry Canal

Thursday, 12 April 2012

12th April Bequia

Well I decided to take a short trip up to here (Admiralty Bay Bequia) to keep legal and check in. We up-anchor and left Union just before 2am on the 10th April, to ensure we arrived in office hours. The passage was uninspiring in that most of it was motor sailing as the expected Easterly wind was in fact NNE so nearly on the  nose, we did manage to sail for about three of the total of ten hours it took, but that forced us to the west and probably added about two hours to the journey! 

Admiralty bay from shore

Admiralty bay & Port Elizabeth from lookout

Beach fishing

Front street Port Elizabeth
Admiralty Bay is a very popular stop apparently as there are loads of boats anchored up, which adds to the fun of finding a slot, the one we finally plumped for is in 20metres close to the central channel; by the time I got ashore Customs and Immigration was closed for lunch, but on opening at 1pm was quick and efficient, and did not question why the trip from Grenada had taken so long.. Shoreside is pleasant with a good veg market right on the front, mind you the town only has a front street and a back street! And the inevitable plethora of eating and drinking holes.
Looking North from Mt Pleasant

Admiralty Bay from Mt Pleasant

Port Elizabeth
I took a pleasant wander to the top of Mount Pleasant, the highest mountain about this morning, mornings are the best time to get out and about as it gets kinda warm in the afternoons.

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