SY Snow White

SY Snow White
In Newry Canal

Friday 24 February 2012

23rd Feb Chaguaramas bay Trinidad

Well that’s Carnival over, I did go and see the pan band finals,

 enjoyable and noisy, but it took 3 ½ hrs to get back to Chaguaramas, a journey that usually takes about ½ hr; and the carnival parade on Tuesday, which I was surprised to find was a competition, so the bands strutted their stuff in front of the judges and then started breaking up, the stand I got into was beside the judges stand so got a reasonable view as to what it is all about.

Other than that I have been getting the final coats of paint over the new welds, cleaning the hull and doing some of the many little jobs that I keep  putting off, and of course just kicking back in the sunshine.

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