SY Snow White

SY Snow White
In Newry Canal

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Tuesday 27th November Charleston South Carolina

We stayed a few days in Oriental letting bad weather pass and enjoyed a fine thanksgiving buffet meal in town with Jack and Marce. On Friday 23rd we left at dawn (6.30am) motoring with little or no wind to Morehead City and anchored off the pier, in among a crowd of small boats fishing, at midday.
Oriental after the rain
Oriental in the sunshine
Anchorage Oriental
Sunset from the anchorage
Wildlife on the ICW to Morehead
Sunset off Morehead City
 After a restless night worrying about the anchor dragging, we left again at dawn to get best use of the outgoing current and headed out to sea, I got the sails up immediately and with a good beam wind cut the engine, sailing until Sunday morning when the wind died completely. There were dolphins playing around us just before dusk on Saturday and overnight on Sunday; 
Sunday was a lovely warm day with no wind, the wind came around on to the bow in the early hours of Monday as we were approaching Charleston entrance channel, making Charleston anchorage by 8am, time for a cuppa tea and a sleep.
Charleston at dawn

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