SY Snow White

SY Snow White
In Newry Canal

Friday 3 August 2012

3rd Aug Sarah Creek

On Wednesday 1st I decided to ‘get a little culture’ so reassembled the cycle dingied it to shore and cycled over the bridge to Yorktown Battlefield where the British were defeated to end the war of independence, and also where the final stages of the civil war were fought out, the battlefields have been preserved and excavated, all very interesting with good displays.
Yorktown Battlefield
Victory Memorial, first Lady of liberty hit by lightening

Yorktown village

Yorktown village
On Thursday 2nd I cycled again in to Yorktown and caught the free busses ( I had to change in Williamsburg) to Jamestown, the site of the first successful British settlement in the USA and also site of fighting in the civil war, the site is still being excavated again with excellent displays guided tours, also with a recreated Indian village, fort and replica boats with people in period dress to explain what is there and what they are doing, not as cheesy as it sounds, only downside apart from the heat (we are still in a heatwave here) was the change of bus meant that I only had about three hours before having to return to Williamsburg for the Yorktown connection. 
Pocahontas ans chapel Jamestown

Indian village
Inside wigwam

Canoe making and arrow making

With all the cycling and walking my legs started complaining so I took Friday as an easy day and scrubbed the green beard at water level all around the boat, and refilled water and fuel tanks, my gas tank has finally run out, put on in Newry just before leaving! No hardship as I have spares on board.

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