SY Snow White

SY Snow White
In Newry Canal

Friday 23 March 2012

23rd March Prickly Bay Grenada

On the last day of the fishing competition a couple of big marlin were brought in.
 Did a bit of snorkelling around the bay, the best I found close to our anchorage, also managed to organise a dive on the reef at the entrance to the bay, which turned out was me, the owner and a dive master in training, so had a privileged dive lasting about an hour; I would recommend anyone going to Charlotteville to contact Caroline Hardie of Charlotteville Adventure Dive Centre.

 I cleared out on the morning of wed 21st and weighed anchor at about midday, once clear of the other anchored boats, I secured the anchor and set the sails (and stopped the engine) we had a lovely sail leaving Tobago as the wind and swell was on the stern quarter,
last of Tobago
 but as we cleared the protection of the island the wind swung round to the east and a Northerly swell added to the discomfort, during one clear spell I saw a shooting star clearly, although it was mostly overcast with occasional rain. I furled the jib and took one reef in the main at about 3am to slow us down so as to arrive in daylight. Finally dropping the main and motoring into Prickly Bay at about 8am, so squared everything away at a leisurely pace so as not to incur extra charges for checking in out of hours, so no dolphins, no breakages or disasters only loads of flying fish.
Prickly Bay from sea
In the afternoon I got a replacement exhaust water trap and fitted it, so we are all ship shape again.
Ancorage from shore, Snow White arrowed

Friday 16 March 2012

16th Charlotteville Tobago

We left Chagauramas at about 12.30pm, after checking out for Tobago, and passed through the boca (the narrow entrance to the bay between islands) with the current and was joined by a pod of dolphins, these were definitely trini dolphins, no dashing about and jumping, just a laid back lope around the boat, although one did wave its tail.
 I did not manage to turn off the engine during the whole passage, although all sails were set, we tacked once back to the North coast of Trinidad, then half way to Grenada before we had a tack that could take us into Man of War bay, still with the wind tight on the bow. I now know why the pilot book recommends that one motor all the way along the North coast of Trinidad and then sail due north Tobago. Since the winds were NE or NNE we were sailing into the wind at the limit of the boat, so going was slow averaging about 2 ½ knots even with the engine.
The inevitable crisis happened at about 3am on the 14th soon after tacking for Tobago, when the engine grumbled and died, I did get it going again by about 8am after bursting the water trap on the exhaust (which I patched with jubilee clips) after which we motor sailed into this secluded backwater, with the sound of the jungle and waves beside the anchorage.
Man of War Bay

Charlotteville from anchorage in Pirate bay

Bay from shore Snow White arrowed
  Having gone ashore to check in with customs and immigration I found that this weekend is a big fishing tournament attracting a number of big white noisy plastic boats, although they did make quite a spectacle leaving at first light! I was hoping to post this yesterday but it has been grey and raining so not a pleasant dingy ride.
Having got wet by the rain yesterday, today I misjudged my arrival on the beach and got wet to the thighs, computer and caamera OK as in a waterproof bag, oh dear the rain is on again, and this is meant to be the dry season!

Sunday 4 March 2012

4th March Chaguaramas bay Trinidad

Its raining again

Successfully avoiding the rain  showers, I took a stroll along some jungle paths this morning.

Thursday 1 March 2012

1st March Chaguaramas bay Trinidad

I should have said in the last that I should not have been taking photos of the pan bands, only approved people were meant to(at great expense) so  I was using my small camera.
Fully rigged last
 The boom new arrived here the day before yesterday at 5pm,after clearing customs (it arrived in to the airport at the end of last week) I had fun transferring it to the boat in gusty conditions, but got it safely on board, then rigged it yesterday, although I have not refitted the boom brake yet.
Companion at anchor
 The weather is not nice at the moment, with big seas gusty winds and rain, so am not to leave before next week.