SY Snow White

SY Snow White
In Newry Canal

Thursday 6 October 2011

6th Oct

Kilmore Quay from S. breakwater

Harbour from town looking south

Rainbow over town from marina

Still safely tied up in Kilmore Quay with that wind whistling even harder, and the fishing boats tying up are getting bigger. Being able to access the internet from the boat has a number of benefits since I can get the latest forecasts at any time, the port office is only open during working hours,  wifi really works!!
Seeing other boats leave is hard, even if they are better crewed, bigger and heading for closer ports, but seeing expected wave heights in excess of four meters has kept me here; there is that high sitting over the Bay of Biscay about two hundred odd mils out with pleasant winds and small seas, just got to break out of here!

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