SY Snow White

SY Snow White
In Newry Canal

Monday 26 September 2011

Still in Peel

Still in Peel, can’t really say stuck as the sun is shining with little wind, although yesterday was blowing a gale, however the forecasters in their wisdom say it won’t last, and after all we have to believe these experts sometimes; also having watched a ketch slamming his way south under motor and mizzen this morning I am quite happy not to be out there, so I wait a bit longer checking the forecasts hoping to see one that favours me, any wind not from the south would be nice! The worst question raising its head is how much longer do I wait before admitting I won’t get away this winter and start negotiating a winter berth. A few nights ago I was woken by the gas alarm, which annoyed me as these are usually false alarms, having turned off all the power I went back to sleep. On investigation in the light of day I found the stop-tap behind the cooker had a small leak, having a spare in my stores I replaced it with no further rude awakenings.

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